The trial crew (from left): NASA Crew Survival Engineering Team
Lead Dustin Gohmert, NASA Astronaut Tony Antonelli, NASA Astronaut Lee
Archambault, SpaceX Mission Operations Engineer Laura Crabtree, SpaceX
Thermal Engineer Brenda Hernandez, NASA Astronaut Rex Walheim, and NASA
Astronaut Tim Kopra
With the space shuttle program now officially over, the United States needs a new reusable vehicle for getting supplies to and from the International Space Station. NASA is considering the Dragon spacecraft, designed by California-based SpaceX Exploration Technologies, to take over that role. The Dragon’s scheduled late March/early April test flight to the ISS will be unmanned, utilizing a cargo configuration of the spacecraft. Last Friday, however, SpaceX released photographs of an engineering model of of its planned seven-passenger crew cabin, complete with a crew that included real live astronauts.